Cra 32 No 20 - 79 Bucaramanga


  • Cra 32 No 20 – 79 Bucaramanga
  • (57) 60-7-6832420 – 3168740433

Online Shop

Virtual classroom

Virtual and Augmented Reality for Training

Service details

Design of informative and formative experiences for workers and the community through the creation of immersive and gamified virtual scenarios and simulations with high realism, to strengthen learning and awareness processes, combining virtual and augmented reality.

Application in:

  • Training of workers in high-risk tasks and prevention of occupational activities.
  • Evaluation of labor competencies.
  • Marketing, virtual showroom for project and product launches, virtual store tours and tourist sites using 360° videos and images and virtual reality applications.
  • Social awareness, support for initiatives to raise awareness of climate change, corporate and citizen culture, road accident prevention, etc.
Design and development